Sound Traveler Band

Acoustic music on the move

Being former teachers, Bob and Patty bring that experience into their workshop, engaging and instructing how everyone including non-musicians can be songwriters. They create a fun, relaxing and non-threatening environment to learn in. We highly recommend their workshop to aspiring young Lennons and McCartneys or to those who just want to have fun. – Ron and Becky Fox, ministers, Center for Spiritual Living Space Coast, Rockledge, FL

The basic format and principles of this workshop follow the same guidelines of the Poetry & Music Workshops (see previous page).  In addition, Bob & Patty will discuss a brief history of poetry and its functionin religious settings.  Examples of sacred music and poetry from various spiritual backgrounds will be examined.  Participants will be encouraged to reflect upon their own religious traditions and how poetry and music are used to enhance spiritual rituals and practices.